Vote For Me!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I got fired today but I was going to quite anyways.  I started thinking of what other jobs I might want to apply to.  I graduated from high school 2 years ago.  I was at university but I dropped out because it was boring and cost a lot.  

Anyways I realized I had no references because I've been fired from every job I've ever had.  Not because I didn't work hard, I was always one of the best employees its just when I get close to when I want to quite I get immature.  

I thought it would make for a funny post to tell you how I got fired from some of my jobs.

Retail - purposely left alarm tags on all the rude customers items... they all complained haha.

Restaurant - Pretended to all the customer I was deaf which makes serving very difficult.  When my boss found out what I was doing he flipped out me and all the customers thought he was mad at a deaf employee for messing up.  Probably the funniest and most immature day of my life.  I worked at this place that forced me to work 10 hours without breaks or overtime pay so I wasn't thinking about how my actions might have offended someone. 

Cashier at store - Brought in a chair with wheels and wheeled around behind the counter.  I don't see why thats so bad, why stand for 8 hours when you can sit.  You're more efficient when you're not painfully tired.  But yea they didn't even bother with the three strike rule I was just gone.


Anonymous said...

That's some great stuff there. When I was a retail manager a couple of years ago I actually encouraged my cashiers to use either a stool or some boxes to sit down. I mean how can anyone expect someone to stand in one spot all day without sitting?

I think the only place that type of behavior is allowed is in the US military brig in Guantanamo Bay Cuba.

Great post!

Warren Contreras said...

Sounds like you need to put some real effort into making money with your Blog?

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