This 2008 Canadian election voter turn out was the record low of 58 percent turnout. What a shame that people are given the opportunity to have democracy and they say we don't care.
Most peoples excuse for not voting was that they didn't know enough about the candidates and decided it was best not to vote. This is not excuse for not voting, look up the candidates and do your research. I am sick and tired of hearing that lame old excuse of not knowing enough about politics. LEARN.
A lot of people say they aren't into politics. How can you say that? Even if you live on an island with a group of people, there presides politics. We live in a society where we can choose for the party and the leaders we want to make decisions that effect our everyday lives and people are saying WE DON"T CARE.
Let me ask you this. Do you have a mortgage? Do you use the healthcare system? Do you have a job? Financing a car? Go to school? Then you are heavily evolved in politics my friend and you need to know what's going on.
Now one problem with the Canadian elections is that it's not in the media enough. The american elections are never ending but at least they get a good sense of what the parties platforms are and who is best for them vote for. The canadian election had one debate and even from that it was difficult to get a sense of what these parties were all about.
There needs to be more attention brought to Canadian politics and people need to get out there and vote or you have no right to complain
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