Vote For Me!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I got fired today but I was going to quite anyways.  I started thinking of what other jobs I might want to apply to.  I graduated from high school 2 years ago.  I was at university but I dropped out because it was boring and cost a lot.  

Anyways I realized I had no references because I've been fired from every job I've ever had.  Not because I didn't work hard, I was always one of the best employees its just when I get close to when I want to quite I get immature.  

I thought it would make for a funny post to tell you how I got fired from some of my jobs.

Retail - purposely left alarm tags on all the rude customers items... they all complained haha.

Restaurant - Pretended to all the customer I was deaf which makes serving very difficult.  When my boss found out what I was doing he flipped out me and all the customers thought he was mad at a deaf employee for messing up.  Probably the funniest and most immature day of my life.  I worked at this place that forced me to work 10 hours without breaks or overtime pay so I wasn't thinking about how my actions might have offended someone. 

Cashier at store - Brought in a chair with wheels and wheeled around behind the counter.  I don't see why thats so bad, why stand for 8 hours when you can sit.  You're more efficient when you're not painfully tired.  But yea they didn't even bother with the three strike rule I was just gone.


Anytime you feel nervous about an upcoming speech or performance remember, it can't get any worse than this!


Thursday, October 23, 2008


With both the Canadian and American elections that took place this fall I thought this would be a suiting question.  I noticed more so with the American elections that a lot of actors and celebrities were announcing their endorsement which made me to the question, is that right?  Now people other than celebrities go around promoting who they are voting for but celebrities seem to think there opinion is something special.  How is an actors opinion on politics relevant?  Its not really and yet they appear in a lot of the political ads promoting whichever candidate their voting for.

In general I don't have anything wrong with discussing politics, but I do have a problem with going around announcing who I am voting for.  Politics should not be promoted in this way because it's not productive to voters.  Basically they are saying Vote for so and so because I am.  People need to watch the debates, listen to the speeches, talk it over with friends and family if they so choose and make their own decision.  

Now back to my question "Promoting your political views any different than promoting your religious views"  I would say no it is not any different.  It is one thing to display information about a candidate or have a proper discussion with a consenting person.  Its another going around holding up signs and yelling vote for so and so. It's no different than a religious group shoving their views down you throat or an atheist yelling that god isn't real.

It's an odd thing to say that politics should be less flashy seeing as the Canadians had a all time low turn out of voters.  I dunno maybe half of canadians just don't believe in democracy?  Thats what they are saying by not voting.  Its good to have politics in the media and to be talked about but it needs to be done in a way where we are getting political information not just people saying do as I do.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


This 2008 Canadian election voter turn out was the record low of 58 percent turnout.  What a shame that people are given the opportunity to have democracy and they say we don't care.  

Most peoples excuse for not voting was that they didn't know enough about the candidates and decided it was best not to vote.  This is not excuse for not voting, look up the candidates and do your research.  I am sick and tired of hearing that lame old excuse of not knowing enough about politics.  LEARN.

A lot of people say they aren't into politics.  How can you say that?  Even if you live on an island with a group of people, there presides politics.  We live in a society where we can choose for the party and the leaders we want to make decisions that effect our everyday lives and people are saying WE DON"T CARE.  

Let me ask you this.  Do you have a mortgage?  Do you use the healthcare system?  Do you have a job? Financing a car?  Go to school?  Then you are heavily evolved in politics my friend and you need to know what's going on.

Now one problem with the Canadian elections is that it's not in the media enough.  The american elections are never ending but at least they get a good sense of what the parties platforms are and who is best for them vote for.  The canadian election had one debate and even from that it was difficult to get a sense of what these parties were all about. 

There needs to be more attention brought to Canadian politics and people need to get out there and vote or you have no right to complain



Yes believe it or not the most important thing to learn in poker is folding.  if you are playing more than 30% of starting hands you are playing too much.  starting hands i suggest to raise pre-flop are;  AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 1010, AK, KQ, AQ.  

Also once you see the flop, if you don't have anything, fold!  calling just because you're already in the hand just looses you more precious chips.


Don't do it unless you're good at poker.  That's the best advice I can give to all you new players.  if you don't have memorized the rank of each hand and what hands are possible with the flop then don't bluff.  If you are going to bluff you need to know the players track record, what kind of hands they play, are they tight aggressive or loose?


Along with playing poker a lot you need to read up on the game.  You need to memorize the hand ranks if you haven't already.  Also reading up on pot odds will greatly improve you game.  At first it seems daunting but learn a little bit at a time.  This way you'll understand what the chances are of your hand getting that flush or even worse your opponent!  From my experience, the possible hands that go least noticed on the board are straights.  So new players watch for possible straights on the board!


If you're bored or in a bad mood your game will reflect your mood.  When playing poker you need to be at the top of your game.  Also if your bored you likely to play more hands or make bad choices for a source of entertainment.


If you're a new player don't play the high limits, you won't stand a chance against experienced players.  Most casino's have 1/2 dollar blinds but that may even be too much for a new player.  If you're still learning the game I would suggest online poker where you can play the penny tables or 1 dollar tournaments.  


Don't play with money you can't afford to loose!  And remember poker is a form of gambling and can be very addicting so set aside your bankroll and when its gone, its gone!

- Untamed Blogger

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